Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Is Geocaching? An Introduction

Need a hobby? Something to interact and bond with others in the great outdoors? Geocaching is the answer!

Geocaching is a way to bond both technology and outdoor lovers. It's the ultimate treasure hunt, a game that is played worldwide. The basic idea is to use a global positioning system (G.P.S.) to help locate "treasure chests" (known as 'geocaches' or 'caches') planted by fellow geocachers. Below is a video that best describes the concept:

As with all activities like this, there's lingo that every aspiring/ or interested cacher should know in order to discuss their adventures. (found from

In General:
  • Cache – A box or container that contains, at the very least, a logbook
  • Geoswag – The items that can be found in some larger caches.
  • Muggle – A non geocacher that is in some way preventing you from finding a cache.
  • BYOP – (Bring Your Own Pen/Pencil) The cache in question lacks a writing device for the logbook.
  • CITO - (Cache In Trash Out) and refers to picking up trash on the hunt.
  • CO - (Cache Owner) The person who is responsible for maintaining a cache, usually the person who hid it.
  • DNF – (Did Not Find) Did not find the cache container being searched for.
  • FTF – (First To Find) The first person to find a cache container.
  • GPS - Short for Global Positioning System also occasionally refers to the receiver itself
Logging Your Adventure:
  • TFTC - (Thanks For The Cache) This is often used at the end of logs to thank the cache owner.
  • TFTH - (Thanks For The Hunt or Hide or Hike) It shares the same purpose as TFTC, but can also be used when the cache was not found.
  • TN - (Took Nothing) no trade or traveling item was removed from the cache.
  • LN - (Left Nothing) no trade or traveling item was added to the cache.
  • SL - (Signed Log) used when the participant visited the cache and signed its logbook.
Location Description:
  • GRC - (GuardRail Cache) used in the description on where a cache may be hidden.
  • GZ - (Ground Zero or Geo-zone) refers to the general area in which a cache is hidden.
  • ICT - (Ivy Covered Tree) used in the description on where a cache may be hidden.
  • LPC - (Light Post Cache) used in the description on where a cache may be hidden.
  • PLC - (Parking Lot Cache) used in the description on where a cache may be hidden.
  • POR - (Pile Of Rocks) used in the description on where a cache may be hidden.
  • UFO - (Unnatural Formation of Objects) a pile of material that obviously did not form naturally and is a likely cache hiding spot.
Don't get too crazy, geocachers have a code of ethics of which is expected to be upheld. Most of them can be found on The Geocacher's Creed which directly states:
  • I will not endanger myself or others.
  • Observe all laws and rules of the area.
  • Respect property rights and seek permission where appropriate.
  • Avoid causing public alarm or disruption.
  • Minimize my and other's impact on the environment.
  • Be considerate of others.
  • Protect the integrity of the game pieces.
Sounds like fun, right? In the following posts I'll discuss geocaching in pop culture, keeping it green, the best gear and of course a documented event of my own adventure right here in the nation's oldest city!

Works Cited:

"Geocaching." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 24 Oct. 2010. .

"Geocacher's Creed." When Placing or Seeking Geocache. Web. 24 Oct. 2010. .

"Geocaching." Geocaching. Groundspeak Inc., 2010. Web. 24 Oct. 2010. .

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